My dad and I shoot our bows as often as we can, which, for the last four months or so means once or twice a week we are out at my grandmothers house taking aim at a foam deer.
In the world of bowhunting there is a shot called a "Robin Hood". This occurs when one arrow is shot directly down the shaft center of another previously shot arrow. It is fairly difficult to do and often the arrows will glance off one another rather than split, but if you hit it just right you get a "Robin Hood". Sadly this destroys atleast one of the two arrows, but it is so worth it.
Today I finally produced this shot after several narrow misses. Now I must decide whether I am Texan enough to display my destroyed arrow in my home to signify the feat which I have accomplished......I think I am.
In the pictures the arrow that is placed higher on the deer was the second arrow. It travelled about 1/3 of the way down the shaft center of the lower arrow (splitting it) before exitting and embedding in the target. The shot was made at 20 yards.
Shortly after visual confirmation of said shot......there was jubilant celebration.