Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I've got one brother by birth, and a few more in heart and spirit.

Spent some time today thinking about how much these guys mean to me, and the impact they have on my life. It makes you feel good when you realize that time and space are no obstacle to your relationship with someone. That you can always pick up where you left off, and that they are always deeply invested in your life.

My hopes are that time and space will cease to be an issue at all for my brothers and I, but whether that be the case or not I am humbled knowing that they are my lifelong companions.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Word Once Said

Well, hockey season is over (what I mean by that is that the Stars did not make the playoffs, and no other team matters), and the hot weather is on it's way. Bummer.

Atleast Dave Matthews and Company are turning out some new tunes, and all indications point to more music of very high quality from our beloved musicians. But who expected anything else. The album seems to be a tribute to the bands late saxaphone player. I think his passing may have inspired the band to play more to the style that the band members appreciate, which will make for a much better experience than creating for pop culture, or whatever.

On to other thoughts. My sister-in-law Kareah is going to have another baby in another month or two, and so the family Easter party this year had dual purpose. It was an Easter party as well as a makeshift baby shower. More of an opportunity to give gifts than a shower. So, she begins to open the presents, of which one is something called a "bumbo seat" I think. It is a fun little seat of sorts for babies. As she opens this a member of the family calls to her husband saying "Hey! it's one of those seats like we had for our baby!", to which the husband replies (from across the room) "Yeah, that one we threw away because it kills babies." (Apparently some child had been left in one of these seats up on top of a counter, AND unattended and bumboed their way right off the counter and kissed the floor. It was stated shortly after that the baby may not have died, but just been injured, and it is important to note the improper use and negligence were involved). I immediately wondered why he would say this, seeing that it was a gift someone had given to Kareah. Depending on who's gift it was, their feelings may have been hurt. I don't know. I know that he was only trying to be funny, but things can be taken the wrong way.

Then this morning I received an e-mail that was titled something like "things you can't get back"
Some of these things were:
1. A stone once thrown
2. A word once said

Not rocket science, but good thoughts none the less. I began to think about times I said or did something that was hurtful. Sometimes you know the instant you do it, and sometimes it's more like hindsight, but it always hurts to think about.

It can take so much time to show a person how much they mean to you, and so little time to destroy that which you have built. I hate that it is like this, but in most relationships it is. Numerous relationships end, or are permanently damaged or stunted because of an errant stone or word. Sometimes, no amount of damage control will fix it. Like it says, you can't get that word/stone back, only ask for forgiveness, but it was still said/thrown.

Sometimes you get the chance to ask for forgiveness, and sometimes you don't.......

Wish I could ask for forgiveness from those that I have hurt.

P.S. I hear tell that there is someone who exists that loves enough to erase the hurtful words you have said to him, and completely forget the stones that you have thrown at him, allowing for a loving relationship no matter the pain you have caused him and others. All you've got to do is believe in him and ask for forgiveness. Amazing..... They call him Jesus.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Oo-De-Lally Oo-De-Lally Golly What A Day

Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome. Today I have accomplished a goal.

My dad and I shoot our bows as often as we can, which, for the last four months or so means once or twice a week we are out at my grandmothers house taking aim at a foam deer.

In the world of bowhunting there is a shot called a "Robin Hood". This occurs when one arrow is shot directly down the shaft center of another previously shot arrow. It is fairly difficult to do and often the arrows will glance off one another rather than split, but if you hit it just right you get a "Robin Hood". Sadly this destroys atleast one of the two arrows, but it is so worth it.

Today I finally produced this shot after several narrow misses. Now I must decide whether I am Texan enough to display my destroyed arrow in my home to signify the feat which I have accomplished......I think I am.

In the pictures the arrow that is placed higher on the deer was the second arrow. It travelled about 1/3 of the way down the shaft center of the lower arrow (splitting it) before exitting and embedding in the target. The shot was made at 20 yards.

Shortly after visual confirmation of said shot......there was jubilant celebration.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Spent some time this morning visiting some church websites. I went to my old church family's website and looked at some photos of the beginnings of the whole thing.

I found myself missing that time in my life. Felt like I had a much clearer purpose then, and lived more intentionally.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Well, the house is finally done. I've got some piddly things left to do on it, but all the big projects seem to be done. It's also starting to feel like home finally, which is nice.

I went camping with my dad this weekend at lake Whitney and it made me wonder why I don't do it more often. I mean, it was great, really nice. We just sat by the water late at night and talked and fished. Then we drove around in the morning and checked out some of the other sights around the lake that we hadn't seen before. No rush, no hurry, no schedule. We saw lots of deer, caught some fish, and tried out a new tent (which was awesome). Hope to go back soon, maybe next weekend.

Also, Go Stars!